The magnitude of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is quite far fledged. The virus has got everyone hooked to their houses and subsequently the economy is suffering. The woes of the economy have taken the form of uncertainty, inactive clientele and unpredictability.
Digital agencies, as most other firms, have faced a lot of changes due to COVID-19 and are expected to see further changes in the post pandemic phase. Here are some of the observed and predicted changes.

(1) Change in structure
Digital agencies are seeing a change in structure of the organization. In the current scenario, having predefined roles for every member of the team is different. Digital agencies have had to double their work as the world has become more digital these days. However, they are limited in their actions because of work from home and social distancing policies. Face to face meetings and discussions are not possible, but the work has to be done. The team is functioning based on who has what resources and digital tools available at home. This has led to a change in structure.
The future is unpredictable and the present is a test. If the structure changes give positive results, agencies might continue with it post the pandemic as well. If not, they’ll have more clarity on the structure of the team and how the roles ought to be distributed.
(2) Change in methods
As most employees are working from home, there is obviously a change in methods of working. Lack of professional working space has pros and cons. It might have made some employee’s work easier, while for some it has become more tiresome to complete their deliverable.
Once the pandemic loses its dominance and the lifestyle normalises again, offices will resume and there will be a change in methods of work. The transition of methods might create confusion and adjustment issues, but there isn’t any other option. There is also a chance that some employees become comfortable working from home and switch to freelancing.
(3) Change in client communication
Most clients prefer face to face communication. However, lately it has been impossible. Video calls have taken over personal meetings. This phase is a test of patience and communication skills. The ability of executives to explain something to the clients without seeing them personally and for the clients to understand it is tough but could result in better understanding between both the parties.
The post pandemic phase looks bright in terms of client communication as face to face communication will resume and it will be easier to present and explain strategies as well as to understand them.
(4) Change in clients’ demands
A major shift in demands of end users is taking place due to the change in global and national policies. Subsequently, there has been a change in nature and scope of advertisements and digital content. Everything is now directed towards health and safety and luxuries have nearly been ruled out of the current economic scenario.
The post pandemic phase will have a different direction and there after the concept will change further. Digital agencies have to keep adapting to the changing times.
(5) Change in role
The pandemic phase has brought about a change in roles of members of digital agencies. As mentioned earlier, employees are working as per availability of resources and tools and thus, there is a change in roles of team members. Also, the discretion of ideologies has seen a major shift.
The future here is unpredictable, however digital agencies have started gearing up for content and ideologies that could be relevant to the post pandemic period.
(6) Observe competitors’ strategies, but be authentic
It is a good practice to be aware about what competitors are doing. This helps in analysing where your brand stands and what better can be done. However, ensure originality and authenticity to attract the right followers.
Digital agencies are trying to keep at pace with the dynamic trends of the global as well as the local economy. It is important right now to adapt to the changes and deal with uncertainty smartly. The agencies are also preparing for the post pandemic period and are at the best of their game.